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JLL Presentation
By Pokeslide

Unique sales presentation setup for the real estate investment fund Jones Lang LaSalle.
Realisation Powerpoint JLL
Alongside JLL’s art director, Pokeslide came up with a creative concept blending minimalist print design with striking visuals. We used brush strokes as a background style to highlight subtitles and key numbers.

An ambitious art direction

Our work was based on a set of brush colors (silver, gold, bronze) that we mixed to create a distinctive set of moods on each slide.

JLL realisation powerpoint 2
powerpoint cabinet conseil immobilier

Consistent PowerPoint branding

To finalize this creative concept, we expanded the graphic elements to include graphs, curves, maps, financial charts, strategy diagrams, and pictograms matching the black, white and red colors of the JLL logo.

This new direction elevated the aesthetics and added liveliness to the content. The result was a stylish and tasteful presentation that inspired confidence and still wowed the crowd!

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POKESLIDE – The Powerpoint Agency
13 Boulevard Saint Germain
75005 Paris

+33 9 81 36 70 46